All Episodes

FMQ 183 The secret to making today better than today

What!!!!!! Another secret exposed!!!

In the last FMQ podcast I shared how to make tomorrow better than today and now we’re going to learn how to make today better than today. It will all make sense – trust me :O)

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FMQ 182 The secret to making tomorrow better than today

Oh how I love to expose those pesky secrets! Why would you want to learn how to make tomorrow better than today and then the next tomorrow better than that? I guess the real answer is why wouldn’t you?


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# 105 A sad story we can use for a happy ending

When I listen to a clients story it’s as if they tell me what’s the real problem without knowing. Not the issue they came in through the door with but the one that’s causing the one they came in through the door with. They just don’t know they know ;O)

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FMQ 181 Empathy no way – well maybe this way

I have always said I don’t do empathy, I didn’t think I did empathy with my clients.
I love compassion and then I had a thought could I do both in a way that works and makes me feel light? and the answer was YES

listen for a spell and I’ll explain.

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FMQ 180 Dooo beee Doooo

So I wanted to give you a way, not the only way, of acting As If but not ‘acting’ – being you AS IF because that would be faking.

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#104 Let’s get better with money – podcast

What is your relationship with money? Whether it’s good bad or something in between this will give you something to think about. I’ve also created two additional tracks of the process give at the end of this podcast – Oooooo!!

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FMQ 179 Let’s wallow! a short podcast

If you have a listen you’ll find out how to wallow, not get big headed, and get to your goals and outcomes quickly and easily – It’s that ‘Cloughie’ guarantee again :O)

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FMQ 178 How small is small – a step that is

Let’s get simple and make thing happen, achieve your goals (big or/and small) and create that reality you want for yourself.

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#103 The secret of being in the flow state

We’ve all been there, where time seems to stop, everything seems easy (even the difficult) and you’re simply there, here in the moment. When we’re in it we don’t even notice we’re in it. What’s it? The FLOW state!

But can we control ourselves to be in it as it seems such an unconscious process – absolutely! :O)

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FMQ 177 How to UN-practice – podcast

How to UN-practice – podcast

We all know practice makes perfect but it doesn’t. If you really think about it nothing is or can be perfect – it, whatever it may be, can always be a little bit better.

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