Anxiety Relief

#403 The Miracle Question

Ever wondered if miracles are real? In this episode, we delve deep into the concept of the “Miracle Question” and how it can transform your life by eliminating anxiety, boosting confidence, and alleviating sadness and grief.

Join me as we explore:

The importance of recognizing changes to celebrate progress.
How to envision life without your issues through the Miracle Question.
Steps to identify how you would feel, behave, and believe once your problems are resolved.

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#401 Changing I’m Not Good Enough to Yes I Am

In this enlightening episode, we explore why these negative feelings can actually be a protective mechanism and how you can transform them into feelings of safety, comfort, and self-worth.

In this episode, I’ll discuss:

The positive intention behind limiting beliefs.
How these beliefs develop and generalize over time.

You’ll learn:

Why your unconscious mind creates these beliefs to protect you.
How to reframe these beliefs to feel good enough and worthy.

Through a guided process, you’ll discover:

How to identify the emotions, behaviors, and beliefs you need to feel safe and confident.
A simple yet effective visualization exercise to reprogram your unconscious mind.

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#398 Mental Health – It’s All In The Mind

Join me as we explore how to reclaim your mental health and become the person you truly want to be. Remember, it’s all in the mind, and with the right mindset and tools, you can overcome any obstacle.

And…… After, maybe you will want to share what you learn

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