
#410 Learning From Our Life Stories – Part 1

By the end of this episode, you’ll be inspired to revisit your own life stories and aha moments, using them as powerful tools for personal development. Ready to dive in?

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#404 How To Remove The Nay Sayers

You’ll learn:

How to decide for yourself and not let others dictate your success.
The importance of surrounding yourself with supportive individuals.
Techniques to anchor positive feelings and use them to propel you forward.

By the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped with the mindset and tools to ignore the naysayers and achieve your goals. Ready to take control of your destiny

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#398 Mental Health – It’s All In The Mind

Join me as we explore how to reclaim your mental health and become the person you truly want to be. Remember, it’s all in the mind, and with the right mindset and tools, you can overcome any obstacle.

And…… After, maybe you will want to share what you learn

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FMQ 438 Hypnosis – What It’s Really Like

I get clients who come to me with deep emotional problems, and some not deep, wanting help but are afraid, scared of what hypnosis feels like. Will be out of control? Will I remember any of it? Will you click your fingers and I’ll be out of it- unconscious?

Valid as those questions are, the facts of what hypnosis or some say trance is so different and is quite the contrary.

Come listen and find out for yourself how

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#373 Months of Therapy – Really??

I believe therapy should be quick, easy, and comfortable and I have witnessed so many times I think I’m right. Even if I wasn’t, and I am, it’s the best belief a therapist can have along with ‘my client can do this!’

So what follows is a little Cloughie rant and then suggestions on how therapy can be quick, easy, and comfortable.

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#350 Does It Take a long time Or Is It Quick – a ramble from the Heart

In personal development, there is a smothering of people professing the missing key, the 1-minute hack, to hidden way, and all that BS – And yes to me it is all BS. Your personal development, and mine, is a lifelong adventure.

Yet I also hear that therapy has to be seriously long and drawn out and you have to dig deep into that trauma and I come back to the conclusion above – It’s BS

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FMQ 405 Couldn’t Everybody Use A Little Bit Of Therapy

There are so many great therapists around and you wouldn’t think twice about getting help from a personal trainer in the gym, golf, speaking and, well you fill in the blank.

I see clients change in a couple of hours, and so can you and you deserve to be comfortable in life.

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FMQ 403 A Muse on Hypnosis

I’m often asked why I learned hypnosis and the real truth. I did it for every other reason than helping others – it was all about me and a way into NLP.

That all changed within about 2 hours of the first day of my first training,

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#344 Reflections And The Art Of Waiting

It’s often asked, “When you look in the mirror do you see the person you are meant to be?” And that can be a really silly question or a most profound one.

Because in one way you should never see that reflection as there is always a bit more to achieve and experience, to make things even better.

And the thing I ask is “Do you like what you see? ”

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FMQ 376 Making A Good Feeling Even Better

Using the same processes we can take a good feeling and make it better but we have to be vigilant because when we feel good we can forget that we are feeling good because we’re in the feeling good feeling.

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