Feeling Sorry for yourself………..
It’s your choose
What generally do we do when things don’t go our way? Even the little things – Mostly (we choose to) feel sorry for ourselves or angry.
What do we say to ourselves at this time too? “the worlds’ against me” “Everything’s gone wrong now!”
So let’s ask the question(s)
What bloomin’ good does behaving that way, talking that way do or achieve? – Nada!
Better question……….
What could I choose to behave better say better things?
These questions presume you have a choice And ………. YOU DO!
Come and explore this with me in this short podcast and see what we can learn.
Send me your feedback, what you learnt and what other ways you found to do things differently via the special email – feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com
Awesome :O)
Shine brightly
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