Month: November 2018
FMQ 202 The BS of vulnerability – podcast
Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed”
“Someone who is weak and without protection”
#116 Can I ask you a question?
Everything seems to start with a question – Especially the questions that make things worse when trying to make things better. Confused??
Read MoreFMQ 201 Sleep with me and hypnosis
Sleep is so important so we can enjoy being awake.
And we’ve, well I know I have, have experienced not being able to sleep or waking up wide awake and it’s still night time.
FMQ 200 Here’s some bad and some good advice
It’s not a long podcast but I couldn’t let those comments go without some type of common sense being said. Well my common sense :O)
Read More#115 Making all of life richer – A PDU Podcast
We all made bad choices and done things we wish we hadn’t or we keep on doing the same things that don’t make out life good let alone great. We do want great don’t we – I know I do.
Let me take you through how we filter out things
FMQ 199 It’s a gift unseen
You have to listen to this to get it all and I’ll explain so you can use this and create better things for you in the future. I just might be talking to both of you – your conscious and unconscious mind. Let’s learn together :O)
Read MoreFMQ 198 Thinking without this is useless
Deep thinking, deep diving or simply taking time out to think these are all part of personal development and all this is Awesome with a capital A. You really have to don’t you? if you want to improve yourself and allow those dreams to come
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