FMQ 265 Stop – it’s time to grow
There’s so many metaphors using gardening to have you grow, plant your seeds and nurture etc. etc. and this isn’t one of them.
Read MoreThere’s so many metaphors using gardening to have you grow, plant your seeds and nurture etc. etc. and this isn’t one of them.
Read MoreYou and I, people, anyone, everyone, do not need pity, however well intended, they need compassion and help – to take responsibility to make changes.
Read MoreLet’s discover ways to perform at our best and then go on to improve that every time
Imagine what your dreams and goals would be like when you truly believed this. How BIG would they be and how would it feel to be that person – that you?
Read MoreMy aim is to give you tools that work at letting go of this anxiety and allow you to be this best you you can be. To this we’ll dive into the intention of performance anxiety what it really is and what it’s trying to do for you.
Read MoreIt’s okay to change your mind and beliefs – isn’t it?
Read MoreCome with me and find out what it is and how we can use it in so many different contexts. Yes I know I’m being artfully vague but that’s to get your curiosity juiced so you learn even more. :O)
Read MoreSo when I started this I had in mind a five minute quickie podcast and found that I just ran on with more and ended diving a little deeper. Diving into you personal best’s and then finding ways to beat them.
Read MoreA review of free hypnosis tracks and they’re downloadable
Read MoreAnd it’s a process you can use for yourself and others of any age. Go on you have to listen now :O)
Read MoreThe information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough’s free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.