Month: November 2022

FMQ 378 Numbingly Comfortable – Are You?

In the space in between, there is no action, we may stagnate and are numb -numbingly comfortable and it can creep up on us, and before you know it dreams disappear. WHAT A WASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let’s muse together and have a chat about this predicament

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#314 Tall Poppy Syndrome- Are You At The Effect Of It

Do you have the pain of those ‘nay sayers’, those people around you that don’t support you on your personal development hero’s adventure? It may not be everyone but there are a few and they may be family members or one or two from your group of friends. They slowly, in their own way, bring your back to where they are. Slowly sapping your energy and get you to question yourself “who am I to do this for me?” and re-confirming that old negative belief “I’m Not Good Enough”

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FMQ 377 The Not So Secret and Simple Step To Success

Why is this not a secret? Because I’m telling you what it is  – Secret be gone!!!!!

In 5 minutes or so how we can put into action the steps of success without overwhelm, fear or anxiety.

If you do this often you will begin to speed up your success, have your wishes become real and your life be pretty Awesome.

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FMQ 377 The Not So Secret and Simple Step To Success

If you do this often you will begin to speed up your success, have your wishes become real and your life be pretty Awesome.

No more to be said just press play

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#313 Self Sabotage – What’s Your Excuse

I’ll go through those excuses I’ve used, and I bet you have used them too, and then dive deeply into how your values can be in conflict, they clash and the result is not finishing what we start however important we think they are and the negative emotions that come along and make us feel bad.

When we learn these WHYS and then the HOW To’s the difference in our life will be immense and we begin living to our potential and that’s one of the core values of this podcast. I want to support you in all that and make a difference.

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#312 A Song To Sing

Come on and press play and let me share my thoughts on where to look and how to start. And the starting is not that big solo in front of everybody, no we’ll start with a hum and then progress from there to where the passion takes us.

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#311 The Secret of Failing At Life

In this episode we will dive deeply into not only what ‘failure’ is – really is – not only how to learn from ‘failure’ but the real HOW TO create a life without failure. Now that really is personal development/improvement

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FMQ 376 Making A Good Feeling Even Better

Using the same processes we can take a good feeling and make it better but we have to be vigilant because when we feel good we can forget that we are feeling good because we’re in the feeling good feeling.

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