
#396 The Ikigai Of Stretch

We explore the concept of Ikigai, which means finding your purpose, and how it can be adapted to help you change behaviors and emotions you don’t like. This episode includes a detailed explanation of the Ikigai model, a new fourth circle, and a process I’ve developed to help you move from your present state to your desired state. The episode concludes with an eight-minute hypnosis process designed to facilitate this change.

Make sure you’re in a safe, distraction-free environment before you start, especially for the hypnosis segment. Enjoy the journey!

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#361 How To Be The Person You Dream To Be

So let’s look, think, of to control that mind of yours – the pictures you make in your mind, that internal voice, the emotions, and your physiology. And….. Change one and they will all change.

When you do take control you can begin to form in your mind of that person who you want to be and then create that you and enjoy that you.

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