Steve Andreas

#394 How To Deal With Being Attacked – Part 1

n this episode, we dive into the mechanisms our unconscious mind uses to protect us from feeling hurt or guilty. Often, these protective reactions are triggered and lead to unnecessary conflict. I’ll introduce two powerful processes to help you change these triggered reactions and respond more appropriately.

In this first part I dive into the what and the why and all things south and end up with one process that really can have a huge impact on resolving this issue. The process is all about training your unconscious mind to hear and see what’s really happening and responding in the the most appropriate way and not just straight int Fight mode.

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#330 Creating A New Positive Mind Set

Before we start I want to tell you there is a process within this episode and if you choose to follow it please ensure nothing needs your attention (see the note below)

Having got that out of the way, how would you like to have a more positive outlook, inner confidence or a sense of comfort when tackling the ‘STUFF’ we have to do in life and more specifically achieve success in the things you want to have happen in your life, whether that be career, relationships or even this personal development thang?

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