Month: August 2024

#406 Creating Great Relationships

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have great relationships and connections in all areas of your life? Whether you’re feeling lonely, struggling with a relationship, or seeking to improve relationships at work, socially, or that special one-to-one connection, this episode is for you. Join me as we form a recipe for great relationships.
By the end of this episode, you’ll have a clear process to follow and the mindset to attract, create and nurture fulfilling relationships in your life. Ready to dive in?

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FMQ459 See Hear and Feel The World Differently

So any time, from standing in line, waiting in a busy room,maybe that stuck feeling creating and even in boredom this will make you see, hear and feel your world right now.

Please share this little gem

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#405 A Simple Understanding You’re More Than you Think You Are

Ever wondered how your past decisions still influence your present life? In this episode, we explore the simple yet profound understanding that when we adopted our current issues, we lacked the wisdom, experience, and learnings we now possess. By tapping into our present skills and knowledge, we can transform our lives for the better.

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FMQ458 Finding Good Vibrations

Just a quick story of finding a place not where I expected to find it and I felt what it had to give.

And guess what? You can find the same where ever you are.

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#404 How To Remove The Nay Sayers

You’ll learn:

How to decide for yourself and not let others dictate your success.
The importance of surrounding yourself with supportive individuals.
Techniques to anchor positive feelings and use them to propel you forward.

By the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped with the mindset and tools to ignore the naysayers and achieve your goals. Ready to take control of your destiny

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FMQ 457 Change Your Emotion In A Heartbeat

In this 5-Minute Quickie episode I’ll share with you a way to be able to do this. It’s simple when you know how, and we do love simplicity here.

So invest just a little time with me and learn how to change your emotions, step by simple step.

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#403 The Miracle Question

Ever wondered if miracles are real? In this episode, we delve deep into the concept of the “Miracle Question” and how it can transform your life by eliminating anxiety, boosting confidence, and alleviating sadness and grief.

Join me as we explore:

The importance of recognizing changes to celebrate progress.
How to envision life without your issues through the Miracle Question.
Steps to identify how you would feel, behave, and believe once your problems are resolved.

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FMQ 456 Forgetting The Basics My Story

This is true story of mine that shows this to so painfully true. And like all ‘mishaps’ when we llearn from we learn BIG! And the effect spreads far and wide.

Have a listen. It’ll only take about 5 minutes and you can learn from my ‘mishap’  :O)

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#402 You’re Not Intelligent Enough To Know What You Want

In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of understanding your true desires and how to manifest them into reality. Join me as we explore why none of us are fully capable of understanding our deepest desires and how we can overcome this limitation.

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