You’re More Than you Think You Are
A Simple Understanding
to Change Your Life
Ever wondered how your past decisions still influence your present life? In this episode, we explore the simple yet profound understanding that when we adopted our current issues, we lacked the wisdom, experience, and learnings we now possess. By tapping into our present skills and knowledge, we can transform our lives for the better.
Join me as we discuss:
- Reflecting on your earliest memories and the limited wisdom you had back then.
- Understanding how inherited beliefs and values shape our behaviors and emotions.
- Recognizing the abundance of skills, experiences, and wisdom you now have.
- How to access and utilize your current resources to overcome old limiting beliefs and negative emotions.
You’ll learn:
- A simple process to connect with your younger self and send positive emotions and wisdom back in time.
- How to identify and replace old, inappropriate programs with your current, empowering beliefs and behaviors.
- Practical steps to integrate your abundant skills and wisdom into your daily life for lasting positive change.
By the end of this episode, you’ll realize that you are more than what you thought, and you have everything you need to create a life full of happiness, joy, and success. Ready to access your inner abundance?
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And the transcript WARNING if you’re a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry – you have been warned – is it an ‘ism
A simple understanding to change your life is what this podcast is about
How far back can you remember? How far back
Hey, I want to ask you a question. I want, to ask you a question to get you thinking. Because it got me thinking. How far back can you remember? How far back? For me, I think it was about when I was about two, two or three. And it was way back when, obviously, I was at, ickle boy, and it was in Yorkshire, in the north of England. But I’m really not sure. Not sure whether I’ve been told about it, but there’s one memory that sticks to my mind, but I’m also told that wasn’t true. So I’m not sure. And then about three ish, living with my gran, because we didn’t have a house in Cambridge, we’d moved from Yorkshire to Cambridge, and we didn’t have a house yet or somewhere to live, so we stay with my gran because I think that’s what you did. And I have little fleeting bits of memories around that time. And then I can also remember, and I think it must have been light four. And I think, again, it’s not really clear. I think I remember watching a boy. Boy with my name. His name is Paul, too. We became friends. But he was crying the very first day at school. You know that when you all go, something brand new, for some, it’s exciting, for some, As for Paul, it was fearful and he was crying. At least I think it was. I seem to remember that. And the more I did this thinking about what I can remember, it was like I was opening up a door. A door into my memories. Little flashes. Because I’m very. I’ve just got into this thing. I want to start to. To remember things better. What about you? Nice ones, that is. We’re not about to stir up the pot of trauma and things like that. No, just the nice ones. What’s your earliest nice memories? What can you think of?
We may be still living by some of those decisions at our present age
Because when we’re there, I want to ask you another question, when you think about those times, how much experience did you have? How much life experience did you have? What beliefs did you have? What values? What wisdom? Well I can think, I can say safely for myself, nada, nothing at all. That was okay. There might, we might have some beliefs, little beliefs, little values, maybe some behaviours, some emotional responses. But we learned, didn’t we? We learned those. We were given them and we chose. And it is our choice, again, choice to take on those beliefs, those values, those behaviours, those emotional responses. Or we tried out some emotional responses. We’ve all seen little children who can cry at the drop of a hat and then in a similar amount of time beam into a big smile. And they are learning, aren’t they? But it’s so small m, isn’t it? And you see in those years we can learn some great family values, can’t we? Things like honesty, truth, look after each other, they’re really great. And then there’s some not so great. And where do they come from? Where do they come from? Well, we all, I think we all know we chose to take them on, but we got them from our parents, our significant or the significant people in our lives. People acted like parents, I guess, or siblings and things like that. But where did they get them from? Because it was siblings, they probably got them from the same significant others. And where do those significant others get their beliefs from? Well they got them probably from their parents or significant. And where did they get. It goes back generations, isn’t it? So now, right now, in the present, at our present age, we may be still living by some of those decisions. Might we? Yeah, some of those decisions that Really, when we question them, we have to say, well, whose beliefs? Whose values were they? Whose behaviour and emotional response were we copying and where do they come from? Yeah, and maybe we’re living by somebody else’s decisions and we’ve taken them on. Isn’t it weird to think that we are living somebody else’s beliefs? Dreams. Not m maybe dreams. It may be dreams, beliefs, values. And as I say, some, are absolutely brilliant. But this is the whole thing about this particular episode. It’s that simple understanding. And when you have a simple understanding, you can change things. You can ask about the data, can’t you ask about where it came from? You see, obviously sometimes when we have negative responses, negative emotions, negative beliefs, limiting beliefs, like I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy, I’m stupid, all those emotions to be anxious around things, fearful around things, maybe there’s grief, sadness, behaviours of all kinds. Because I think beliefs and emotions are In some way, well they’re just behaviours. In fact, absolutely anything. That’s what I believe. They come from everywhere, don’t they? And we can change them because we can change them in therapy, if they’re too much, we can change them. And that’s what I do. When people come to see me, they have an issue and we look to see whether it’s a, Well, we look for what I do. I look for that one thing, the one thing that’s disappeared. When disappeared. All the other issues in their life connected to this will disappear too. And it always seems to be around an emotion, a negative emotion, and intertwined with a limiting belief. And sometimes just understanding that limiting belief and where it came from way back then can be the one thing that goes ah, I can understand back then, back then why I took on this way, this behavior, this reaction, this emotion, because I didn’t have any wisdom back then, did I? I didn’t have any life experience. You know, we were running, running programs on other people’s experiences, other people’s learnings, other people’s values, beliefs. I was taking them on uncritically. A lot of the time when you’re that young, you take them on uncritically because those people are the ones who you look up to sometimes without knowing it. And we’re running these programs and sometimes just, again, just understanding the wisdom that we had back then, it was the only thing we could do. It was anything our unconscious mind could do to protect us is to take on those beliefs, values, behaviours and reactions and things like that. But the thing is, if we’re still feeling those emotions, if we’re still following those or being affected by those limiting beliefs of I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy, I’m stupid, because back then it did protect us. Back then it really did protect us. But it’s no longer appropriate anymore. Because there’s one thing what we’re missing. We’re missing out on all the experiences, everything we’ve learned, everything that we’ve come to believe as now being true. Right now we’re not using those, we’re not using those learnings, those skills, those beliefs, those values. I mean, if you think about it, most people who I work with, who come through, I’m not good enough and I’m stupid. And those type of limiting beliefs have created a life that totally belies that, if that’s a word, because they couldn’t have been stupid. They couldn’t have been not good enough to get where they are. But I can see that that was like their motivating force. And the unconscious mind is trying to help them by keeping that belief going because it’s pushing them harder and harder. But we’re missing out all those wonderful experiences we’ve got, which would make it easier. So here’s the thing. I wonder if you want to play with me in a metaphorical term, that is play. Yeah. I’m going to tell you something, ask you a process, a little process of just understanding these things. And, it’s not to do with anything big, by the way. We’re not doing it with the big things. But you can think about it a little bit, just a little bit, because we’re not actually working on an issue. We’re not working on an issue. We’re just going to think about our younger self. And I’m going to do this in a hypnosis track as well. I’ve got so many projects of hypnosis tracks. All you have to do is tell me if you want them. How do you do that? Feedbackersonaldevelopmentunplug. that’s the email only. I get it.
Paul wants you to listen to a hypnosis track right now
The only bugger here, really. But you’ll get that reply. But I just want to know whether you want me to spend all my time doing hypnosis tracks. I love it. But anyway, here’s what I want you to do, and if it’s okay to do it right now, I would like you to close your eyes. But obviously that means it’s got to be totally, totally, 110% safe for you to do. So. You’re not driving. you’re not looking after machinery. Do people still look after machinery today? Don’t know. But anyway. Oh, you could have a drill and things like that. You might be listening to it while you’re working. Yeah, yeah, Paul, you got that? So as long as it’s safe to do so. If not, just have just listen with open eyes, but concentrate and focus on what you’re doing. But if it’s okay to do it now, well, you can just do it with me. Maybe just close your eyes and take a nice breath. Because when we take a nice breath and we breathe out, it just means you, it’s like a signal, signal to our body, our unconscious mind. This is time to relax. So breathe in, hold it for a moment or two and sigh it out, giving our unconscious, mind that signal. This is just time to relax.
If you flow down wisdom down to younger you, you just get more
And I want you to imagine, imagine a younger you over there. And as you notice that younger you, just, I want you to think about the wisdom that you have now, the learnings that you’ve gathered all the way from then right to this present moment. Everything you’ve learned, all the wonderful, powerful, positive experiences, all the wonderful, positive, powerful, empowering beliefs that you have about yourself now. They’re the ones when you were, doing the things you loved and it was just in the flow and in the moment, what belief would you have had then? And just think to yourself, what did that younger you need back then that I have now in abundance? And it could be just simple things like, well, I’ve got an awareness. I’ve learned to become aware. And if you wanted to, you can imagine sending it to that younger you. But just be aware that you are aware. You have that skill of awareness. Maybe you could think, well, I’ve gained a lot of wisdom just by the things I’ve done in my life, the adventures I’ve had, the things I’ve done. I’ve got a lot of experience. And what is that? How does that experience make you feel? And if you were, if you wanted to, you could send that feeling of having experience, excitement. The excitement. What are the exciting things you’ve done in that feeling of excitement? Maybe you could just send that to that younger you. What else? Sometimes people just want to send love to their younger you. They’re younger than their younger selves because it’s a nice thing to do because you’ve got so much more love. And the thing is, what I’m really saying about this is everything we’re talking about now. The things you have right now you have in abundance. You didn’t have it back then, but you have it now in abundance. So if you take from abundance, do you know what happens to abundance? It just gets bigger. So if you take love and you flow it through to that younger you, you just gain more. If you flow down wisdom down to that young you, you just get more maybe sometimes. And this is what I advise my clients do, just send that younger you. The knowing that everything’s going to be okay because you’re here right now, you’ve had all those years of experience, you’ve gained all that wisdom, and it will be okay because it always is. And maybe you just want to send a sense of, going to be okay. What else? What else have you got now? What skills learnings? Wonderful, positive, empowering, empowering beliefs. Empowering positive emotions. Maybe some wonderful, healthy behaviors that you’ve learned along the way. Maybe it’s determination, maybe it’s resilience. Maybe it’s that inner confidence. Just imagine sending them all together now as if there was a wonderful beam of light coming through your head. This is a weird one. This is a lovely one. Just imagine above you, there’s like a lovely. I think of it like a lovely wind of light, love and healing coming through the top of your head, filling your whole body, and then sending it through your heart to that younger you. What a lovely thing to do. And then just notice, as you do all of that, you might notice that young are you, changing and smiling and doing all that, doing all those lovely things to appreciate it. But as it just disappears to where they belong in the past, I want you to realize the things that you’re doing, those old programs that you’re doing, you’re using, you’re running, you know, that old belief of I’m not good enough, I’m, not worthy, I’m stupid. Those fears, those anxieties, that sadness, that grief, anything like that. They’re old programs. And you have now, just realized you have so much more right now in abundance than you did back then. All you have to do is access it, and your unconscious mind now can realize. Can realize how much more wisdom you have right now because you had sod all back then. Bless. And, even if it was something just a few years ago, you’ve still grown since then. But we’re working on an old program, an old trigger. And just imagine, what would it be like just to access all the wonderful skills you have in abundance right now. How would life be so much different? And then do it. Then do it right now. You see, this is that simple understanding now, to change your life, that you are more than what you thought, that what you act or how you behave and what you believe, you’re so much more, and you have so much more in abundance of every emotion, every wonderful, positive, powerful belief, supportive emotions, healthy behaviors that your unconscious mind and your conscious mind can access right now to anything you want to do. What would life be like if you were to, access now all the things you need to be able to do, the things you want to do? It would be awesome, wouldn’t it? So do it. Just think of the skill you need. Act as if, or learn it. Hone it. Hone it down into a wonderful fine art. Because you’re more than what you think you are. Whatever you think you are, you’re more than that. Now, the only thing I really want to do, is to the importance of this episode is just for you to know that change is so possible because it’s already there for you to take. You don’t have to work at it. You have all the resources you need. Just think of the resources you need right now and then find times in the past when you’ve had them before. And then you’ll realize, well, if I had them before, I can have them now. Think of a time when you needed that confidence and you had that confidence in the past. And as you feel that confidence, then keep it, use it. And you’ll notice that every day just gets better and better. Especially as you. If you review the day and go, do you know what? I was worried about that thing I was going to do. But I accessed that confidence. I needed that awareness and I knocked it out the puck. Feel what it felt like again and feel so grateful. And you’re just going to set up a new pattern now because the patterns work, patterns just cut. And the programs you’ve been using are always there. So we’re just going to put in new, or just access the skills that we have. And the skills are, emotions, beliefs, values, emotions, behaviours, all that stuff. And the thing is, this is simple, isn’t it? Now, simple doesn’t mean easy. Well, does it? Simple is easy, but easy takes effort. something like that. It’s not complicated. That’s what I’m trying to say. It’s not complicated. But it does take effort.
Paul Clifford: Think of what you have now that you didn’t have then
But not a lot of effort, does it? Just to think of what you have now that you didn’t have then. Because if you just think of a simple thing like, I want to get anxious, well, I used to be anxious a long time ago and I don’t care what it was about, but I don’t have the skills I’ve got now. So if I use the skills and I’m not using those skills because I’m feeling anxious, I’m feeling the same way as I did a long time ago. So if I just use the skills I know I’ve got now, that anxiety will disappear because it’s safer. Your unconscious mind will realize that its prime directive is to keep you safe. And the emotions, beliefs and values and behaviours that it’s using right now are inappropriate. And you have more skills, so get it to access those by just guiding it to show how in times in the past, when you felt the way you wanted to feel right now, you did because you were both there and it felt safe. Just something to think about now. So my little challenge to you is if ever you feel a little bit of anxiety or a little bit of I’m not good enough or I’m stupid or I’m not worthy, just imagine, well, way back then, where did it come from? It must have come back from when I was really young. So what didn’t I have then that I have now that I’m not using? Ah. And ask the question, well, what would happen if I use those skills, use those beliefs, values, behaviours, emotions, those responses, these new responses that I know would work? What would happen? Would it be different? Wouldn’t it? It would be so different. What would happen if you just did that? Oh, because there’s nothing stopping you. Nothing stopping you whatsoever. Only one person? Yeah, you. Me. Just decide. Because when you decide, do it. That’s all there is to it. I, hope that’s got you thinking. I, hope I’ve put it in a way that has created some curiosity in you and that you can see that you have so much more than you ever knew or remembered. Maybe I’m getting you to re remember I love that word, remember. And then use, use their skills and notice that life could be so much more pleasant, easier, comfortable, full of happiness and joy and love and laughter and all that stuff. If I didn’t make myself quite clear, please do again. Let me know. Give me some feedback. Feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged. com. that’s the email address. As I said before, if you need a little bit of help, you can also go to podcast, sign up there, get 60 odd hypnosis processes. Because if I do a hypnosis process on this, that’s where it’ll end up. Do that. Let me know if there’s anything you want, anything you would like to work on. maybe this has just ignited a little question in your mind that you need a little bit help with. Let me know. This is what it’s all about. This is what I want to do. This is my little path at the moment, my little mission to help people. I want to help you. So if I can, I will. But I need to know. I need, I need to understand what you need anyway. Do all of that. And also, if this has made some type of sense to you or made you curious, maybe you just share this with other people, because we’re all, this is consistent with everybody. I know it’s a generality, but everyone’s got this. Everyone is reacting and acting from times of the past where we have now more wisdom now than we did back then, and we’re just not using it. So do share it. Share the podcast, if you would. Until next time, my friend, guess what? Have more fun than you can stand and go fly. Warning.
You are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul Clough. It’s time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friend.
Personal development unplugged.