FMQ 444 Just One More Equals Success

To be the best version of ourselves we know we need to stretch ourselves every day but, and I don’t like buts, too much leads to overwhelm and giving up that’s why ‘JUST ONE MORE’ works.

This is a short 5-minute muse to remind ourselves it’s not how much but how consistent we are gets results

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FMQ 443 Making a Habit of Feeling Great

I believe when we cultivate a habit of feeling not just good but GREAT things begin to happen.

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FMQ 442 There Is Always Another Day, Hour or Minute

In this 5-minute quickie I want to muse on how we can stop this with another way of thinking that I think, although terribly simple, re-frames everything.
So come with me and press play – let’s muse together

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FMQ 441 Learning By Not Copying

Lets Muse on this over the next 5 minutes or so and see how we learn what others took years to learn.

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FMQ 440 A Twist To The Act of Gratitude

Sometimes just breaking the pattern ( a pattern interrupt) can make all the difference. And feeling grateful, truly grateful makes all the difference to our lives and what we attract in them.

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FMQ 439 Be Careful What You Practice

You might forget what you are practicing and find the results not to your liking.

This little 5-minute FMQ muse was inspired by listening to Denzil Washington correcting a reporter if he practices telling untruths that’s what you will end up doing as a habit.

You see, we often get confused thinking practice makes perfect and it certainly doesn’t.

Also, we have to practice consciously – which we don’t.

All the more reason to be careful if you want the results you dream of

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FMQ 438 Hypnosis – What It’s Really Like

I get clients who come to me with deep emotional problems, and some not deep, wanting help but are afraid, scared of what hypnosis feels like. Will be out of control? Will I remember any of it? Will you click your fingers and I’ll be out of it- unconscious?

Valid as those questions are, the facts of what hypnosis or some say trance is so different and is quite the contrary.

Come listen and find out for yourself how

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FMQ 437 Making Success Simply Achievable

Making Success Simply Achievable

The way we speak, and the words we use can change the way we feel.

Now I know that’s completely left field and never been said before  NOT

Yet in this 5-minute quickie episode, I want to share one word that when used changes everything

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FMQ 436 Practice Makes Perfect – NO

Now knowing practice makes permanent it becomes obvious practicing things badly, from the basis of fear and failure and a lot of PAIN is bad and will permanently make this worse with more fear, failure, and a lot of PAIN.

So let’s see how we can make this so much more comfortable, rewarding, and pleasurable. To do that, because this a podcast, after all, you’ll first have to press play.

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FMQ 435 How Fast is Too Fast

Personal development, yours and mine is a lifelong adventure, not a journey unless you call it a hero’s journey. It should be a thing of beauty and each moment one to savor. We call it enjoy the process and again I ask why wouldn’t you want to enjoy the process and those steps of creating the best version of yourself.

My intention in this episode is to encourage you to muse over this concept of finding joy over the rush.

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