
FMQ 451 The Red Pen Of Fear

I can remember how it felt and how I hated doing the next piece of homework knowing what was to come. Can you relate to this?


I remembered how my son Luke was encouraged to do well and he did. I’ll share that with you and you may just see how we can motivate others and ourselves to do well and feel great!

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#381 Fanning The Flames and Nipping The Bud

Don’t we all get those intuitive idea moments when we look back and say if only I had acted on them – Or is that just me again?   :O)

In this episode, I think I have found a way to do both, deal with issues quickly and act upon those moments of inspiration.

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FMQ 358 DO THIS FOR ONE DAY – A challenge

Oh! You may want to keep the challenge going because ……………………..

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#185 A Stretch – Uncomfortable But Not Painful

When you know this and the simple (In simplicity there is genius AE) process I’ll share with you you will be amazed, grow in confidence and success YAY! :O)

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