#152 Having To Be Perfect

Having To Be Perfect

A longer PDU podcast

We all want to be perfect, even if we don’t always get there or act like it. For some it’s a ‘Have to be or else‘ which is a difficult if not, if you care to listen, impossible position to pt yourself in. And yes it’s you who do it even if you don’t know it.

The thing is I don’t want you to be perfect!

What Cloughie!? Isn’t that the goal? Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

I have been with people who think that, I have had numerous clients that didn’t know it but it was the root cause of there issues but so well hidden – yet when understood and a simple process or two and a wee bit of Hypnosis Boom!

So even if you don’t think this is you – it might be and if not you will know someone who is affected by this and to share this knowledge with them would serve them and you.

And what will happen when your not perfect? Life will just keep getting better  :O) and that’s what I really want for you

Dive in with me on this little adventure and notice the results the processes create for you . Yep,  as usual there’s loads of ‘HOW TOO’S‘ so let me know the effects and how I can improve to make things even a better experience for you. You know how by now, if not, it’s by this email feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

Shine brightly


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