I’m Alone and it hurts Part 1
The first (of probably many) deep dives into Loneliness
For some reason, that I begin to share here, I have shied away from this hugely important subject of Loneliness. I have given myself reasons why I shouldn’t go here and yet I really know they are just excuses. I wonder if you have done the same?
So as we’re wondering let’s wander in search of answers together although you will have to do your work as I do mine – it is what it is. But this time I hope to bring to the table understanding and processes that will really help us -You and I.
Loneliness is not new, it may be becoming more prevalent and the negative effects highlighted by the pandemic but it’s not new and it’s just as painful.
Having said that loneliness is not an illness and can be changed as quickly as you use the will to do whatever it takes working with, not against, your unconscious mind.
Having, as I say, shied away from this subject now as I got deeper into my dive I found I had to split this episode into two parts to give you and your minds, time to understand and prepare for the work. Not that the work is difficult, in fact, it’s really quite easy although you have to do it and not just listen. Knowing without action isn’t really worth a bucket full of you know what :O)
Now some may say “but I’m not lonely so why is it important for me to listen?”
Well, firstly if you’re not lonely AWESOME!!!
and the thing is you may know or now be able to recognize someone who is and could help them
and the thing is also there may be a time when you experience the first signs of loneliness and you can nip it in the bud because you took the time to listen because if you forget your unconscious mind will remember YAY!
This is an important subject, I’ve done my best to share m thoughts with you and I’m sure your friends and even some you don’t know yet would appreciate a share, so please do share it with them:
here’s the link: https://personaldevelopmentunplugged.com/217-im-alone-and-it-hurts-pt1/
It’s a simple way to pay it forward – selfless service
Shine brightly
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