#162 Making a Difference Despite the Horrors

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Making a Difference Despite the Horrors

Because you can

Don’t listen to the news, don’t watch the news, stop those feeds to your phone and don’t read about the horrors that go on around the world because you will be influenced to feel that horror. This is what some will tell you and to some extent they are correct. Apparently feeling doesn’t count when it comes to news reporting.

But it’s difficult and when you add the old fake news to boot then what do you do other than feel helpless and bad for not being able to help.

So what can we do to change all of that?

Well, if you can help directly – do

If you can’t I have another way that will make a difference. It’s not completely my way and if you come with me down this particular rabbit hole I’ll tell you the story told to me by Geoff Thompson (an awesomely good man) and it’s something we can all do, yep everyone of us that wants to make a difference can do this. If we all did the world would change over the weekend :O) – well nearly but not too long after I bet.

Please have a listen and see if it moves you to make a difference. Knowing you as I do I think it will.

Let me know your thoughts, what you did and how we can expand this. I’m here at feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com.

Shine brightly


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