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FMQ 240 Either or Radical or counter-intuitive

Come with me to talk about both sides of this line of thinking and see if we can come up with a way or better still ways (plural) and evolve ways to succeed in ourselves and bring others along by example.

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#130 When focusing goes wrong

Let me explain – Well you’ll have to listen because that’s the thing about the podcast and I’ll also show you ways we can use this skill for good and to enhance your career, goals and life in general.

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FMQ 239 Now I’m trying too hard!

Last FMQ (238) we dived into “Trying” and how that really doesn’t work. This episode let’s look at the other side of the issue of trying and it’s in the title TOOOOO hard :O)

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FMQ 238 I’m trying – really

A “TRY” –  How empty is that? To get what we want and what we deserve we need that I’ll do whatever it takes attitudeSo what’s the answer? Well I won’t leave you hanging and it’s not a secret and it is simple :O) 

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#129 Addictions – what are they and what can we do about them?

Addictions – what are they and what can we do about them?”There’s no such thing as an addiction”
I mean if you had the choice you’d choose not to – wouldn’t you?

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FMQ 237 Sorry for yourself – you choose

Come and explore this with me in this short podcast and see what we can learn.

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FMQ 236 When things go wrong

So what happens, what do we do when something doesn’t go right or the way we want it? What do you say to yourself? What are those dis-empowering words we say and what emotions do the evoke? It all goes ‘reels of cotton’

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#128 Remember the positives because …………

“You are a product of your experiences” A throw away line in a conversation between Joe Rogan and Sam Harris made me think how much of your experiences do we consider?

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FMQ 235 Careful what you listen to

People can be really good hypnotists even when and especially when they haven’t been trained to be one.

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FMQ 234 What three quarter of a million people didn’t get

Did you know some people don’t think they can visualize and don’t realise when they do? Some think it has to be in 20/20 vision and that can be so far from the truth – I will explain what I think the truth of the quality of your visualizations.

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