
#377 Dealing With Anger PART 2

If you haven’t listened to part 1 it would help you get the best out of this part 2 and guide you to make changes – Anger doesn’t only affect those with it but all those close to them and so will letting go of anger. Do it for yourself and others to get the benefit. win-win-win-win

So come dive in with me and find ways to release anger

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#376 Dealing With Anger PART 1

I have split this between two episodes, so they are just the right size to get it and the work on it. Even if you say to yourself Well I’m not an angry person – you don’t have to be angry all the time to work on it – deal with the snowball before it grows bigger as it slowly rolls down the hill – nip it in the bud.

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#369 Right Here Right Now – I’m Safe

Past events and memories can and do evoke negative emotions such as anger, fear, hurt, and guilt – you fill in the blank along with their associated limiting beliefs. And we continue to feel them long after they have finished.

We get anxious, worry, panic – you fill in the blank thinking of things that might happen in the future and play wonderous movies in our head of all the bad things that might happen.

In this episode, we’ll look into how to change this

They are all in your head

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#367 Getting Better Every Day

For me, personal development is partly striving to be a better me every day, just a bit, bit by bit. This is both a long-term goal and the steps along the way to constantly be the best version of me to find the REAL ME.

And that’s great but we need specificity (Don’t you just love that word?  :O)

Let’s take a look at this thing I’ve termed ‘Wheels and Spokes’

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#351 I’m A Peeping Tom

It’s all about looking through windows, that is different perspectives and seeing the world differently and full of opportunities.

Let me tell you two stories one from a little while ago and one just from yesterday.

The first is around a guy called

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#349 Using Regret To Succeed

When you look back and realize “Oh I wish I’d” or “If only I’d” or you fill in the blank and feel that regret. For me I then would feel angry, frustrated, and a few more expletives  :O)

And despite all of that I, we still want to do that stuff so how do we get rid of the regret, guilt and those limiting beliefs? That’s the whole point of this episode (and every episode) to give the how to processes and this episode is no exception.

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#337 Anxiety From A Different Perspective

I really love the simplicity of what I share with you in this episode and I give you the whole process here, right here in the episode – clickbait begone     ‘ O)

So come with me in this delightful rabbit hole of changing the way we feel for the better and then make it a habit.

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#336 The World Is My Mirror – Oh No!

Are there things or people in your world that make you angry? Maybe resentful? Maybe …. well you fill in the blank.

Do you find you get distracted in your thoughts by these things and the way they make you behave in ways you are not happy with?

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#307 You Make Me Feel

no one can make anyone feel anything because you CHOOSE the way you feel and that’s a bit of a bummer when you get this. The good thing, when you do get it, you get to choose how you feel and how you react and act and be.

Heavy stuff but also simple, it’s all about taking responsibility and not living in the land of excuses, and reasons because reasons are excuses too.

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#304 Hypnosis Frustration to Calm

I thought it would be nice for a change to have just a hypnosis track that is simple in its process of taking us from that feeling of being frustrated to just a sense of I’m ok, I’m calm.

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