follow your passion

FMQ 368 What Is My Calling?

I’m not going to promise such ‘unpromisable’ things but I am going to leave my trail of breadcrumbs if you choose to follow them

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#132 Your passion and how to find it

This is the first part of at least two podcasts in which I hope to discover passion, calling and how to live it not follow it :O) And in those immortal words I quote so often ‘IN SIMPLICITY THERE IS GENIUS’ we’ll find the uncomplicated and simple ways to experience just that.

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FMQ 215 Gift or passion

It’s easy to knock following your passion when you are, following it that is and it’s always easy to sell it and so many do both.

Here’s my thing with it – no one tells you what ‘it’ passion really is and how to really find it or follow it because I think they miss the point.

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