self improvement

#401 Changing I’m Not Good Enough to Yes I Am

In this enlightening episode, we explore why these negative feelings can actually be a protective mechanism and how you can transform them into feelings of safety, comfort, and self-worth.

In this episode, I’ll discuss:

The positive intention behind limiting beliefs.
How these beliefs develop and generalize over time.

You’ll learn:

Why your unconscious mind creates these beliefs to protect you.
How to reframe these beliefs to feel good enough and worthy.

Through a guided process, you’ll discover:

How to identify the emotions, behaviors, and beliefs you need to feel safe and confident.
A simple yet effective visualization exercise to reprogram your unconscious mind.

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#398 Mental Health – It’s All In The Mind

Join me as we explore how to reclaim your mental health and become the person you truly want to be. Remember, it’s all in the mind, and with the right mindset and tools, you can overcome any obstacle.

And…… After, maybe you will want to share what you learn

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#289.1 FREE HYPNOSIS – Being Your Best

Habits are unconscious so where best to start than at the unconscious level with hypnosis?

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  Shine brightly   Paul   Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me   If you want to subscribe to the podcast (I know you do) click here to learn more Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review   Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to   If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to   Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie   Why not look for me and the podcast on > SPOTIFY AND the app Castbox   I'm also in iHeart radio   YouTube - copy n paste UC3BlpN4voq8aAN7ePsIMt2Q into search bar The Libsyn podcast page

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Here is your show on RadioPublic: Listen to Personal Development Unplugged on RadioPublic   I’m a therapist but not your therapist   The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner. Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.   Music by Wataboi from Pixabay   Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay   Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay  

FMQ 280 The BS of 1% Improvement

Let’s get in a little deeper and explore how we can achieve this and when we do how sensational the results will be.

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FMQ 263 I’m a hypocrite and not sorry

It’s okay to change your mind and beliefs – isn’t it?

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FMQ 261 All things Hypnosis

A review of free hypnosis tracks and they’re downloadable

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FMQ 242 When personal development gets uncomfortable

If you knew that when things begin to feel uncomfortable that things were going to get better, bigger, easier and be a quantum leap you’d look forward to it or look for it wouldn’t you?

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FMQ 241 It’s a bummer

So what am I calling a bummer? Well – When you are using an excuse and your best friend calls you out on it – that’s a bummer  :O)

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#126 The one thing that stops you

Ever had the experience of doing something on impulse? maybe an Ah Ha moment or a burst of inspiration? Can you remember some of yours?

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FMQ 230 Want a free lunch?

. I really struggled to make a decision on something that to most would be a small step but at the time, for me, was a big step for Cloughie and what happened when I did.

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