FMQ 234 What three quarter of a million people didn’t get

Did you know some people don’t think they can visualize and don’t realise when they do? Some think it has to be in 20/20 vision and that can be so far from the truth – I will explain what I think the truth of the quality of your visualizations.

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FMQ 233 What’s behind a behavior

Did you know people are not their behaviors? I have learnt so much by this simple presupposition from NLP.

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FMQ 232 The morning after

What are the reactions that happen after some deep self work or working with a therapist? They’re always the same aren’t they?

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FMQ 231 The dangers of self talk

Have you ever said the above or something similar to yourself? It didn’t have to be out load, some times that inner voice, even if it’s not heard by others the effect is still the same.

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FMQ 230 Want a free lunch?

. I really struggled to make a decision on something that to most would be a small step but at the time, for me, was a big step for Cloughie and what happened when I did.

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FMQ 219 Remember this is what you forget

This podcast is all about coming home. Home to remember. I’ll even share with you a story of an experience with one meeting and watching one of my NLP hero’s work which left me with a Ah Ha moment we can all use

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FMQ 218 Lets get lost and ?????


as usual some thought on HOW to find yourself with curiosity without expectation but you have to listen to find out.

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FMQ 217 Stop trying – It doesn’t work

You decide how much effort you put into getting the results you want. It could all boil down to being more specific – more specificity :O) and how much importance or value we decide. Or even take if further ad in the word expect!!!!!

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FMQ 216 The secret of controlLing your results

I heard the other day that you cannot control the results you get and when I heard it I said out loud REALLY!!!!!! Now that is the best of worst limiting beliefs and defies the the law of cause and effect.

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FMQ 215 Gift or passion

It’s easy to knock following your passion when you are, following it that is and it’s always easy to sell it and so many do both.

Here’s my thing with it – no one tells you what ‘it’ passion really is and how to really find it or follow it because I think they miss the point.

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