#115 Making all of life richer – A PDU Podcast

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Making all of life richer

A PDU Podcast

We, I, cover so much in this podcast from the filters we use to experience the world to making different decisions, our value and our beliefs.

We all made bad choices and done things we wish we hadn’t or we keep on doing the same things that don’t make out life good let alone great. We do want great don’t  we – I know I do.

Let me take you through how we filter out things we experience and filter in others and when we understand this it can really change the way you literally view your reality. From the world of NLP we’ll understand how we communicate the world on the outside to the world on the inside.

As usual we will go on the see ways we can develop or change these filters so we don’t repeat so called ‘bad’ decisions and get to repeat more of the good ones making the process unconscious.

I really hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did and would love to have your thoughts and feedback on what you learnt. on how you changed what I discussed or simply how I can improve what I do here. Like you I am totally committed to constant and never ending improvement and we all need a little help in that too. Leave a message on an email at feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

Until the next time

enjoy every heart beat

Shine brightly


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