#317 When Baggage Unpacks Itself

Either way, have a listen and you will either understand and let the small stuff go or it will prepare you for that 121 work. Just understanding the positive intention and asking your unconscious mind, your best friend, to find a better way can be the difference that makes the difference. All you have to do is set your conscious intention to do whatever it takes.  :O)

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#316 Unpacking Baggage – But Do We Need To?

One of them is why do you need to unpack ‘stuff’ that you know wasn’t nice? You might only get to feel that way again so why would you?
Yep! I know some therapists do regression ‘stuff’ but I personally don’t get it when I think there are better and more comfortable ways to get the results you want.

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FMQ 308 Labels -They Are Not Who We Are

Be Careful They Don’t Define you

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#183 It’s Your Choice

So whether you have the behavior of anxiety, loneliness, depression, fear, phobia, PTSD, OCD, and the list goes on (you fill in the blank) this will help

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#135 Getting help (mental health)

I wanted to share my thoughts, advice and personal experiences which will, I believe, allay those fears and give you (if you’re suffering) or someone you know who is suffering the encouragement to deal with it and how easy and comfortably you can resolve these issues. When I say issues I mean all issues from addictions, depression, fears, anxiety, social phobia, OCD –  Oh you go fill in the blank  🙂

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#130 When focusing goes wrong

Let me explain – Well you’ll have to listen because that’s the thing about the podcast and I’ll also show you ways we can use this skill for good and to enhance your career, goals and life in general.

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